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Meet Chris

Video Review

Watch Chris talk about his hopes for becoming an Olympic track and field runner, and why he underwent a frenectomy to help his training.

Chris' Story

"So I had the frenectomy done. The string underneath your tongue - they laser cut it to eliminate tongue tie, I guess, to where your tongue is more pulling down. We figured out if you could eliminate your tongue tie, your tongue will sit back in the proper position in your mouth, which will allow you to breathe easier, more efficiently. Next summer, in June, I'm going to be competing at the Olympic trials for Track & Field. The big hope is to make the Olympic team for the United States here. I think he was in there with the laser with maybe 5 minutes it took, the actual procedure. The staff has been really great here. As soon as you walked in, you could just tell the environment here is just very welcoming. You really feel like they want to get to know you and what you're doing beyond this, beyond just being in here. Dr. Anderson - you know, he's a great guy. He just made it that much more comfortable coming in here. I would absolutely recommend coming here. It was super easy, super nice, very welcoming. I really enjoyed my time being here and having them work on me. It was great."

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