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Meet Hannah

Video Review

Hannah expresses her gratitude for Dr. Anderson after he treated her facial trauma injury and restored her smile.

Hannah's Story

"I came here because of a softball accident. I got hit in the face with a line drive, and my teeth got shoved back, and I needed them to be placed back in the normal spot. So after the injury, I was definitely worried about what would happen – like, how are they going to fix things? Are they going to be able to do it smoothly? How long will it take? And Dr. Anderson definitely reassured me that everything would be okay and that he would get it up and going as quick as possible, and that he had dealt with injuries like this before. And he really just comforted me and calmed me and relaxed me. When I came in, they took my teeth, and they brought them back into place and splinted them up nice for me. The staff here is excellent; they get to know you personally, they always remember everything. They're like, "Oh hi, how are you doing? How’s softball?" And it's so exciting to be able to feel like a welcome part of their little staff community. Dr. Anderson is awesome; he definitely gets to know you on a more personal level than just, "Hey, let me fix your face." Every time something bad happens, I'm like, "Oh, don't worry; I know a great guy.""

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